Тексты песен JOHN PRINE - If You Were The Woman & I Was The Man

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J : JOHN PRINE : John Prine Christmas

John Prine Christmas
Текст песни If You Were The Woman & I Was The Man

If You Were The Woman & I Was The Man

If you were the woman and I was the man
Would I send you yellow roses?
Would I dare to kiss your hand?
In the morning would I caress you
As the wind caresses the sand,
If you were the woman and I was the man?

If I was the heart and you were the head
Would you think me very foolish
If one day I decided to shed
These walls that surround me
Just to see where these feelings led,
If I was the heart and you were the head?

If I was the woman and you were the man
Would I laugh if you came to me
With your heart in your hand
And said, I offer you this freely
And will give you all that I can
Because you are the woman
And I am the man?

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