Тексты песен JIMI HENDRIX - Sweet Angel

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J : JIMI HENDRIX : South Saturn Delta

South Saturn Delta
Текст песни Sweet Angel

Sweet Angel

Told me a story yesterday
About the sweet love between the moon and the deep blue sea
And when it was time for her to leave she spread her wings high over me
And said I shall return tomorrow

And I said fly on my sweet angel
Fly on through the sky
Fly on my sweet, sweet angel
Tomorrow I shall have you by my side

Sure enough this mornin' came to me
Silver wings silhouetted against the golden rose of today's sunrise
And the angel she bent down and told me
You'll never have to worry about this place just wipe your weepin' eyes
I'll take you where you've never been, you can fly
I looked around and I thought

Fly on my little angel
Fly on through the sky
Fly on my sweet angel
Tomorrow I'll be by your side
I got my wings to fly


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